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于 11-12-21 通过 keakon的涂鸦馆 作者:keakon


import heapq import operator import re  pattern = re.compile(r'(.+) # (.+) # .+') total = 0 password_eq_to_name = 0 digit_passwords = 0 name_length = [0] * 21 password_length = [0] * 41 passwords = {}  file = open('www.csdn.net.sql') for line in file: 	match = pattern.match(line) 	if match: 		total += 1 		name = match.group(1) 		password = match.group(2)  		if name == password: 			password_eq_to_name += 1  		if password.isdigit(): 			digit_passwords += 1  		name_length[len(name)] += 1 		password_length[len(password)] += 1  		passwords[password] = passwords.get(password, 0) + 1  print 'Total lines:', total print 'Password equal to name:', password_eq_to_name print 'Digit passwords:', digit_passwords print 'Name length:' for i in xrange(21): 	if name_length[i]: 		print '\t%d: %d' % (i, name_length[i]) print 'Password length:' for i in xrange(41): 	if password_length[i]: 		print '\t%d: %d' % (i, password_length[i]) top_passwords = heapq.nlargest(10, passwords.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) print 'Top 10 passwords:' for password, count in top_passwords: 	print password, count
Total lines: 6428632
Password equal to name: 292661
Digit passwords: 2893401
Name length:
    1: 8
    2: 297
    3: 3711
    4: 14527
    5: 277094
    6: 595904
    7: 739229
    8: 869899
    9: 903438
    10: 973000
    11: 709963
    12: 531144
    13: 304800
    14: 207898
    15: 125882
    16: 75838
    17: 36862
    18: 25163
    19: 13391
    20: 20584
Password length:
    1: 90
    2: 51
    3: 598
    4: 6675
    5: 33039
    6: 82999
    7: 16901
    8: 2338638
    9: 1552173
    10: 930888
    11: 628821
    12: 369529
    13: 167845
    14: 154966
    15: 75345
    16: 49653
    17: 7024
    18: 5937
    19: 2297
    20: 5080
    21: 4
    22: 13
    23: 6
    24: 11
    25: 5
    26: 13
    27: 1
    28: 4
    29: 7
    30: 5
    31: 1
    32: 2
    36: 2
    38: 2
    39: 1
    40: 6
Top 10 passwords:
123456789 235012
12345678 212749
11111111 76346
dearbook 46053
00000000 34952
123123123 19986
1234567890 17790
88888888 15033
111111111 6995
147258369 5965




